Attach the handle on one side and sit on the bench pad on that side. Let your legs hang down while you perform the movement. Grab the handle with both hands and with stiff long arms. With your arms straight forward, bring the handle to the opposite side in a twisting motion. Lower yourself slowly before you go for another repetition. Do the same movement pattern for the other side and ensure that you attach the handle.
Attach both handles on the cable. Sit with your back on the bench pad. Grab both handles and let your legs come all the way down for the starting position. Initiate the movement by bringing the handles straight down with stiff arms and locked elbows. Bring your legs up as you pull the handles down. The finished position is when your legs and torso form a 90-degree angle and when your arms are parallel with the bench pad. Stretch down until your arms are completely overhead before you go for another repetition.
Using both handles, lay on your back and grab the handles. Lock the bench pad midway through the slide and brace for the start of the movement. Start by having your legs completely straight and locked on the knees. Start by raising your legs straight up in one smooth motion. The movement finishes when your leg is at a 90-degree angle with your torso. Lower your leg down to the starting position and ensure that your knee remains locked during the entire movement.
Attach both handles and sit on the bench pad with your feet on the pad. Bring the handles to your chest and keep them locked in that position. Keep your core braced and bring your chest forward with the handles locked at your sides until your shoulders nearly touch your chest. Descend slowly to the starting position before initiating another repetition.
Set the GR8Flex in the incline position so that the squat stand is flattened on the ground. Attach both handles on the cables and sit on the bench pad with your feet on the edge of the pad. Grab both handles and maintain stiff locked arms. In a situp position, extend your back until it touches the bench pad, and then get back to the starting position where your shoulders nearly touch your knees. Maintain an upright back position and locked elbows throughout the movement.
Attach both handles and sit with your feet close to the lower edge of the bench pad. Lay on your back completely on the bench pad and grab both handles. With stiff locked arms, bring the handles all the way down straight to your sides. Once the handles are close to your feet, perform an ab crunch to finish the movement. Lower yourself again until your arms are straight up to the ceiling before going for another repetition.
Using the handle attachment, lay your back completely flat. With your head on the higher edge of the bench pad, raise your knees up so that your torso and thigh are at a 90-degree angle while keeping your shins horizontal. With long stiff arms, bring the handles down to your sides until your arms are parallel with the bench pad. Lower yourself slowly before going for another repetition.
Lay with your back completely flat on the bench pad and use the handle attachment on both sides. Place your feet at the edge of the bench seat pad and grab the handles from above your head. With straight arms at your sides, bring the handles laterally down to your thigh. To get to the starting position, allow your body to get back up to the point where your arms are perpendicular to your upper body. Keep your core tense and your elbows locked throughout the movement.
Lay with your back completely flat on the bench pad and use the handle attachment on both sides. Raise your knees up with your feet forward and grab the handles from above your head. With straight arms at your sides, bring the handles laterally down. To get to the starting position, allow your body to get back up to the point where your arms are perpendicular to your upper body. Keep your core tense and your elbows locked throughout the movement.
With your back to the bench pad and your feet on the edge of the pad, raise your arms up to reach for the handles. With one arm at a time, bring the handle down as far as you can while keeping the other handle in place. Keep tension in both arms and do the same steps for the other arm. You can choose to do an alternative low crossover with one arm at a time or while completing all of the reps on one side after going for the other side.
Set the squat stand up and sit with your knees on the bench pad. Grab the edge of the squat stand from the higher side with locked arms and lower your body so that the bench pad seat slides up. Continue the movement as far as your mobility will allow and slowly come down to the starting position. Keep your core rigid and stiff while maintaining a neutral back position.
Lock the bench pad and set up the squat stand-up. With your feet on the squat stand, and your back fully on the bench pad, perform a sit-up. Ensure that your hands are behind your head with your elbows pointing out. Stretch your rib cage at the starting position and contract your abdominal muscles hard when reaching forward. Keep your legs locked at all times and avoid using momentum.
Lock the bench pad and set up the squat stand-up. With your feet on the squat stand, and your back fully on the bench pad, perform a sit-up with your arms extended up overhead. Start the movement by having your arms stretched overhead completely and finish the movement with your arms overhead and your torso at a 90-degree angle with your legs. Pause at the top of the movement and slowly descend on every repetition. Keep your legs locked at all times and avoid using momentum.
Using the handles attachment, lay on the bench pad. Hook both of your feet on the handles and sit with your butt on the bench pad. With a moderate bend in your knees, reach forward with your elbows keeping your hands crossed on your chest with the right hand on the left shoulder and the left hand on the right shoulder. Reach forward with a twisting motion by touching your right left to the left knee and the left shoulder to the right knee alternating in every rep. Stretch your abs at the start of the movement and contract hard at the end portion of the exercise.
Using the handles attachment, lay on the bench pad. Hook both of your feet on the handles and sit with your butt on the bench pad. With a moderate bend in your knees, reach forward with your elbows keeping your hands crossed behind your head. Reach forward with a twisting motion by touching your right left to the left knee and the left shoulder to the right knee alternating in every rep. Stretch your abs at the start of the movement and contract hard at the end portion of the exercise.
Using the handles attachment, lay on the bench pad with your back flat. Set up the squat stand and set your feet in the middle in a sit-up position. Grab both handles and pull down until the handles reach the bench pad or when your arms are parallel with the pad. Keep your arms straight and maintain the bend in your knees. Always make contact with your feet to the squat pad on every rep but do not swing or jump. Pull straight down in one smooth motion and pause at the bottom of the rep.
Set up with your feet on the higher end of the bench pad. While sitting down on the bench pad, grab both handles and pull yourself upward. Start with your arms fully stretched out and your back in a neutral position. Row up while keeping your elbows at a 45-degree angle, not too close to your body, and not too flared out. Finish the movement when the elbows go past your body. Lower yourself slowly and keep your back straight and completely neutral. Pause at the top and bottom of every repetition in order to avoid using momentum.
Set up on the bench pad sitting up with your knees on the pad. Stand straight with your hips forward and grab both handles. Start with your arms fully stretched out and your back in a neutral position. Row up while keeping your elbows at a 45-degree angle, not too close to your body, and not too flared out. Finish the movement when the elbows go past your body. Lower yourself slowly, and keep your hips and back straight and completely neutral.
Set up on the bench pad sitting on your knees and shins down on the pad. Start with your arms fully stretched out and your back in a neutral position. Row up while keeping your elbows at a 45-degree angle, not too close to your body, and not too flared out. Finish the movement when the elbows go past your body. Lower yourself slowly, and keep your hips and back straight and completely neutral. Avoid leaning forward or backward during the movement.
Set up on the bench pad sitting on your knees and shins down on the pad. Start with your arms fully stretched out and your back in a neutral position. Grab both handles, while keeping your arms completely straight, and spread them outward so that your arms and torso form a T shape. Keep your arms at a 90-degree angle with your torso and lower the weight slowly as you reach the end of the repetition. Do not use any swinging motion or lean forward on the cables.
Lay with your back completely flat on the bench pad and use the handle attachment on both sides. Keep your feet on the edge of the bench pad so that your knees are up. With straight arms at your sides, bring the handles laterally down. To get to the starting position, allow your body to get back up to the point where your arms are perpendicular to your upper body. Keep your core tense and your elbows locked throughout the movement.
Using the wing bar attachment, lay on your stomach to the bench pad. Keep your knees locked and your legs straight. Grab the wing attachment around shoulder-width and pull upward. Keep pulling until your chin reaches the level of the wing bar. Lower yourself slowly and allow for a brief pause before going for another repetition. Use the appropriate resistance to get an engaging tension.
Sit on the bench pad with your knees down and your shins to the pad. Grab both handles and raise them upward and to the side. The movement should be raising the cables laterally. Keeping a slight bend in the elbow, maintain a neutral back position, and raise the handles to the side. Allow for a brief pause at the top and bottom of every repetition.
Sit on the bench pad with your knees down and your shins to the pad. Grab both handles and raise them out to the side. Keep your hips forward and your core engaged throughout the movement. Start by raising the handles to the side so that the arm is at a 45-degree angle with your body. Allow for a brief pause at the top and bottom of every rep to prevent swinging or the use of momentum.
Sit on the bench pad with your knees down and your shins to the pad. Grab both handles and with a straight back, bring straight down with locked arms. Pull the handles down as far as your mobility will allow or until your arm is parallel with your upper body. Get back to the starting position by letting your body drop slowly before initiating the movement again. Allow for a brief pause at every rep to prevent swinging.
Grab both handles while sitting on the bench pad. Secure both feet on the ground underneath you and keep a neutral back position. While grabbing the handles, pull with one arm at a time until your elbow is past your torso. Keep your elbow tucked and always stretch your arm forward in the starting position. Pause for a brief second at the top and bottom of the movement and switch to the other arm. Do not swing, lean forward, or backward.
Grab both handles while laying down flat on your stomach on the bench pad. With your feet elevated, pull both handles towards your sides in one smooth motion. Lower yourself back down slowly before attempting another repetition. The starting position should be when your arms are stretched up overhead while grabbing the handles. Pull with your elbows out and finish with the elbows near your sides or as far as you can pull. Allow for a brief pause at the beginning and end of every repetition to prevent swinging or the use of momentum.
Grab both handles while laying down flat on your stomach on the bench pad. With your feet elevated, pull both handles down in one smooth motion. Keep your wrists and hands in a neutral position to allow for your elbows to travel below the bench pad. Lower yourself back down slowly before attempting another repetition. The starting position should be when your arms are stretched up overhead while grabbing the handles. Pull with your elbows in and finish with the elbows near your sides or as far as you can pull. Allow for a brief pause at the beginning and end of every repetition to prevent swinging or the use of momentum.
Set up on the bench pad while sitting on your knees and shins down on the pad. Start with your arms fully stretched out and your back in a neutral position. Row up while keeping your elbows at a 90-degree angle with your upper body. Your elbows should be out to the side and up instead of down to your sides. Finish the movement when the elbows are slightly past your body or as far as your shoulder will allow. Lower yourself slowly, and keep your hips and back straight and completely neutral. Avoid leaning forward or backward during the movement.
Set up on the bench pad while sitting on your knees and shins down on the pad. Start with your arms fully stretched out and your back in a neutral position. Row up while keeping your elbows as close to your upper body as possible without making contact. Your elbows should be close to your body to engage the back. Finish the movement when the elbows are past your upper body. Lower yourself slowly, and keep your hips and back straight and completely neutral. Avoid leaning forward or backward during the movement by allowing for a brief pause at the beginning and end of every repetition.
Set up with your back completely flat on the bench pad and your feet on the edge of the pad. While using an EZ bar attachment, pull the bar from overhead through and to your hips. The movement should start with your arms stretched out and up, bring the bar down by pulling it down in one smooth fashion. Lower yourself slowly, and keep your hips and back straight and completely neutral. Avoid leaning forward or backward during the movement by allowing for a brief pause at the beginning and end of every repetition.
Sit on the bench pad and secure the EZ bar attachment on the GR8Flex. With an erect posture and a straight back, pull the bar with a pronated hand position towards your hips. Keep your shoulders retracted and back neutral throughout the pull. Lower yourself slowly, and keep your hips and back straight and completely neutral. Avoid leaning forward or backward during the movement by allowing for a brief pause at the beginning and end of every repetition.
Sit on the bench pad and secure the EZ bar attachment on the GR8Flex. With an erect posture and a straight back, pull the bar with a pronated hand position towards your sternum. Keep your shoulders retracted and back neutral throughout the pull. Your elbow position should at a 45-degree angle to engage both the back and shoulders. Lower yourself slowly, and keep your hips and back straight and completely neutral. Avoid leaning forward or backward during the movement by allowing for a brief pause at the beginning and end of every repetition.
Sit on the bench pad so that the cables are behind you. With your feet and butt on the bench pad, grab both handles in a supinated position and keep a neutral back position. Bring the handles forward and keep them low. Keep your arms relatively close to your upper body and use your chest to finish the movement. Finish when your arms are out in front of you and lower yourself slowly to the starting position. Do not use momentum or swinging to keep the tension in the targeted muscles.
Sit on the bench pad so that the cables are behind you. With your feet and butt on the bench pad, grab both handles in a supinated position and keep a neutral back position. Bring the handles forward and keep them at a 45-degree angle. Keep your arms in a position between your legs and your head. Finish when your arms are out in front of you and lower yourself slowly to the starting position. Do not use momentum or swinging to keep the tension in the targeted muscles.
Sit on the bench pad so that the cables are behind you. With your feet and butt on the bench pad, grab both handles in a supinated position and keep a neutral back position. Bring the handles forward and out in front of you. Start with the handles on your sides and keep your arms high and finish when your arms are at your chest level. Do not use momentum or swinging to keep the tension in the targeted muscles by allowing for a brief pause at the start and finish of every rep.
Sit on the bench pad so that the cables are behind you. While sitting on your feet on the bench pad, grab both handles in a supinated position and keep a neutral back position. Bring the handles forward and keep them low. Keep your arms relatively close to your upper body and use your chest to finish the movement. Finish when your arms are out in front of you and lower yourself slowly to the starting position. Do not use momentum or swinging to keep the tension in the targeted muscles.
Sit on the bench pad so that the cables are behind you. While sitting on your feet on the bench pad, grab both handles in a supinated position and keep a neutral back position. Bring the handles forward and keep them at a 45-degree angle. Keep your arms in a position between your legs and your head. Finish when your arms are out in front of you and lower yourself slowly to the starting position. Do not use momentum or swinging to keep the tension in the targeted muscles.
Sit on the bench pad so that the cables are behind you. While sitting on your feet on the bench pad, grab both handles in a supinated position and keep a neutral back position. Bring the handles forward and out in front of you. Start with the handles on your sides and keep your arms high and finish when your arms are at your chest level. Do not use momentum or swinging to keep the tension in the targeted muscles by allowing for a brief pause at the start and finish of every rep.
Sit on the bench pad so that the cables are behind you. While sitting on your feet on the bench pad, grab both handles in a supinated position and keep a neutral back position. Bring the handles forward and out in front of you. Start with the handles on the outside and keep your arms high and finish when your arms are at your head and eye level. Do not use momentum or swinging to keep the tension in the targeted muscles by allowing for a brief pause at the start and finish of every rep.
Lay on the bench pad with your back flat so that the handles are behind you. Grab both handles from above and extend your arm out. Keep your upper arm completely still and only move your forearm forward. Keep your elbows pointed to the ceiling and try to extend and lock your elbows out. Do not swing or use momentum. Try to feel for the stretch in your arm (triceps) and force a squeeze at the end of the rep by pausing at the bottom and top.
Lay on the bench pad with your back flat so that the handles are behind you. Grab both handles from above and keep your arms to your sides. Maintain a neutral position and keep your elbows tucked to your sides. Start by having your arms stretched and finish when your elbows are locked down. Do not swing or use momentum. Try to feel for the stretch in your arm (triceps) and force a squeeze at the end of the rep by pausing at the bottom and top.
Using the handles attachment, lay on the bench pad with your back flat and your feet on the bench pad. Grab both handles and pull down until the handles reach the bench pad or when your arms are parallel with the pad. Keep your arms straight and maintain the bend in your knees. Pull straight down in one smooth motion and pause at the bottom of the rep.
Using the handles attachment, lay on the bench pad with your back flat and your feet on the bench pad. Grab both handles and push straight down with long stiff arms until the handles reach the bench pad or when your arms are parallel with the pad. Keep your arms straight and maintain the bend in your knees. Push straight down in one smooth motion and pause at the bottom of the rep.
Using the handles attachment, lay on the bench pad with your back flat and your feet on the bench pad. Grab both handles and push straight down with long stiff arms until the handles reach the bench pad or when your arms are parallel with the pad, this is the finished position. To reach the starting position, keep your elbows tucked and lower the handles until your elbow is bent. To perform the actual movement, push straight down and up.
Set the squat stand down and place your feet on the flattened stand. Grab the bench pad from the side edges in a comfortable position for your shoulders. Start the movement by descending down and pausing for a brief moment before pushing up. Keep your elbows tucked to your sides and your back in a neutral position. Keep your knees and hips straight and pause at the top of the movement for good chest contractions.
Sit on the bench pad so that the cable system is behind you. While using the handles attachment, place your feet on the edge of the bench pad. Grab both handles from behind and press them forward with tucked elbows. Keep your back neutral and look straight ahead. Grab the handles with a pronated hand position and keep your arms close to you. The cables should touch your upper arms. Press forward and up so that the finished position should be at eye level. Pause at the top and bottom of the press to prevent swinging or the use of momentum.
Sit on the bench pad so that the cable system is behind you. While using the handles attachment, place your feet on the edge of the bench pad. Grab both handles from behind and press them forward with flared elbows. Keep your back neutral and look straight ahead. Grab the handles with a pronated hand position and keep your arms out at a 45-degree angle. The cables should touch your upper arms. Press forward and up so that the finished position should be above head level. Pause at the top and bottom of the press to prevent swinging or the use of momentum.
Sit on the bench pad with your back to the cable attachment and let your feet be planted on the floor. Use the handles attachment on the cables on both sides. With your back fully erect and firm, grab the handles from behind and extend your elbows. Start from a position where your elbows are in front of your and your upper arm is at a 45-degree angle. Finish the movement when your elbows are fully locked out. Ensure that you do not use any swinging by pausing at the bottom and top of every rep.
Sit on the bench pad facing the cables. Plant your feet on the ground and attach both handles to the cables. Grab the handles and raise them up. Allow your feet to hang so you can raise the handles out and up with straight arms. Keep your arms straight and raise the handles as far as you can or until your arms are almost overhead. Keep your chest up throughout the movement and your arms locked. Don’t swing the movement and always perform a brief pause at the top of the movement.
Sit on the bench pad and secure the handles attachment on the GR8Flex. With an erect posture and a straight back, pull the handles with a pronated hand position towards your sternum and allow your feet to hang so you can pull yourself towards the cables. Keep your shoulders retracted and back neutral throughout the pull. Your elbow position should at a 45-degree angle to engage both the back and shoulders. Lower yourself slowly, and keep your hips and back straight and completely neutral. Avoid leaning forward or backward during the movement by allowing for a brief pause at the beginning and end of every repetition.
Sit on the bench pad and secure the handles attachment on the GR8Flex. With an erect posture and a straight back, pull the handles with a pronated hand position towards your face and allow your feet to hang so you can pull yourself towards the cables. Keep your shoulders retracted and back neutral throughout the pull. Your elbow position should at a 90-degree angle to engage both the back and shoulders. The handles should meet near your ears for maximum contraction. Lower yourself slowly, and keep your hips and back straight and completely neutral. Avoid leaning forward or backward during the movement by allowing for a brief pause at the beginning and end of every repetition.
Sit sideways on the GR8 with your knees on the bench pad. Keep your hips locked and your back straight at all times. Grab one handle at a time and raise it across your body. This movement is more advanced. The handle should travel from the starting position to the middle of your body while keeping your arms slightly unlocked. Keep the free arm on your chest for support and balance and to produce better contractions. Perform this movement very slowly as it is hard to maintain balance and do not swing or use momentum.
Sit sideways on the GR8 with your knees on the bench pad. Keep your hips locked and your back straight at all times. Grab both handles with both hands and pull them across your body. This is more of a twisting motion and it requires good balance. The handle should travel from the starting position to the middle of your body while keeping your arms slightly unlocked. Perform this movement very slowly as it is hard to maintain balance and do not swing or use momentum. Do this movement for the other side as well.
Using the handles attachment, lay on the bench pad with your back flat and your feet on the bench pad. Grab both handles and pull them across your body to one side alternating between the right and the left side. Keep your arms straight and maintain the bend in your knees. Pull straight down in one smooth motion and pause at the bottom of the rep. Avoid using any momentum of swinging.
Sit on the bench pad facing the cables. Plant your feet on the ground and attach both handles to the cables. Grab the handles and curl them up. Allow your feet to hang so you can raise the handles out and up with your arms. Keep your arms straight at the beginning of the repetition for the stretch and curl up while maintaining the position of your upper arm. Raise the handles as far as you can or until the handles almost touch your shoulder. Keep your chest up throughout the movement and your arms locked. Don’t swing the movement and always perform a brief pause at the top of the movement.
Sit on the bench pad facing the cables with your butt down. Hook your feet in place 2 to 8 inches away from the cables using the wing bar attachment and grab both handles with your hands. Simply curl up until the handles are near face level. Keep your elbow position at a 45-degree angle. Lower yourself slowly and pause at the top of every rep. Do not swing or use momentum and always stretch before going before another repetition.
Sit on the bench pad facing the cables with your butt down. Hook both your feet in place using the wing bar attachment one foot away from the cables or to where your knees form a 90-degree angle when you plant your feet down. Using the handles attachment, raise both handles out to the side while keeping slightly bent arms. Initiate the movement starting with your elbows and pause at the top of the repetition. Keep your arms at a 45-degree angle from your body.
Sit on the bench pad so that you are facing the cables. Using the wing bar attachment, hook your feet about a foot away from the handles. Grab both handles and straighten out your back. Bring the handles to your chest by keeping your elbows on the outside. Keep your elbow about 45 to 90 degrees and pause at the top of every rep. Do not swing or use momentum when performing the exercise.
Sit on the bench pad so that you are facing the cables. Using the wing bar attachment, hook your feet about a foot away from the handles. Grab both handles and straighten out your back. Bring the handles down to your sides but keep your arms at your side. Maintain a neutral back position and start the movement by bringing your arms straight down to the bench pad sides. Keep your arms locked at all times and grab the handles with an underhand grip. Do not swing or use momentum when performing the exercise.
Sit on the bench pad so that you are facing the cables. Using the wing bar attachment, hook your feet about a foot away from the handles. Grab both handles with an overhand grip. Bring the handles to your face and keep your elbows flared out. Maintain a neutral back position and start the movement by bringing your elbows outward, once you’ve brought the handles near your face, lower them down slowly until your arms are locked and stretched. Do not swing or use momentum when performing the exercise.
Using the handles attachment, lay on the bench pad with your back flat and your feet on the edge of the bench pad. Use the bar attachment and maintain a neutral back position. Grab the bar from overhead with a pronated grip. Bring the bar straight down to your thigh with stiff locked arms. Keep your arms straight and maintain the bend in your knees. Pull straight down in one smooth motion and pause at the bottom of the rep. Avoid using any momentum of swinging.
Grab the bar attachment while laying down flat on your stomach on the bench pad facing the cable system. With your feet elevated, pull the bar down to your chest in one smooth motion while grabbing it as wide as possible. Keep your wrists and hands in a neutral position to allow for your elbows to travel to the chest area. Lower yourself back down slowly before attempting another repetition. The starting position should be when your arms are stretched up overhead while grabbing the bar. Pull with your elbows out to the side and finish with the elbows near your sides or as far as you can pull. Allow for a brief pause at the beginning and end of every repetition to prevent swinging or the use of momentum.
Grab the bar attachment while laying down flat on your stomach on the bench pad facing the cable system. With your feet elevated, pull the bar down to your chest in one smooth motion grabbing it narrow. Keep your wrists and hands in a neutral position to allow for your elbows to travel to the chest area. Lower yourself back down slowly before attempting another repetition. The starting position should be when your arms are stretched up overhead while grabbing the bar. Pull with your elbows out to the side and finish with the elbows near your sides or as far as you can pull. Allow for a brief pause at the beginning and end of every repetition to prevent swinging or the use of momentum.
Grab the barbell with a pronated hand position while sitting on the bench pad. Secure both feet on the ground underneath you and keep a neutral back position. While grabbing the bar, pull the bar to your chest level with your elbows flared out. Grab the bar attachment as wide as possible. Start with pulling down and pausing at the top and bottom of every rep to prevent using momentum.
Grab the barbell with a pronated hand position while sitting on the bench pad. Secure both feet on the ground underneath you and keep a neutral back position. While grabbing the bar, pull the bar to your chest level with your elbows flared out. Grab the bar attachment narrow but not too close where it causes wrist discomfort. Start with pulling down and pausing at the top and bottom of every rep to prevent using momentum.
Grab the barbell with a pronated hand position while sitting on the bench pad. Secure both feet on the ground underneath you and keep a neutral back position. While grabbing the bar, curl up with your bicep and bring it to your chin level. Keep your arms by your sides and squeeze the biceps with a supinated hand grip. Grab the bar attachment around shoulder width apart. Start with curling and pause at the top and bottom of every rep to prevent using momentum.
Set up the bench pad and place your elbow and hand 4 inches away from the higher edge of the pad. Stack your feet together on the squat pad (lowered state) and straighten out your body. Keep your body straight and make sure that your elbow, shoulder, and head all line-up. Keep the other arm over your head and straight. Maintain tension in your core and count the seconds for each side.
Elevate the squat pad and lay on your back to the bench pad. Place one foot on the squat stand and then place the other foot on top of the thigh of the resting leg. Allow your body to go all the way down to perform a stretch and make sure that your knee is at a 90-angle bend. Place one hand on the resting knee and the other on the foot. Gently push down until you feel a stretch and hold it for at least 5 seconds before releasing. Do the same for the other side at equal intensity.
Elevate the squat pad and lay on your back to the bench pad. Place one foot on the squat stand and then place the other foot on top of the thigh of the resting leg. Remove your foot from the squat pad so it can be freely stretched by your hands. Allow your body to go all the way down to perform a stretch and make sure that your knee is at a 90-angle bend. Place both hands wrapped on the leg on the bottom. Gently pull up until you feel a stretch and hold it for at least 5 seconds before releasing. Do the same for the other side at equal intensity.
Elevate the squat pad and lay on your back to the bench pad. Place one foot on the squat stand and then place the other foot on top of the thigh of the resting leg. Remove your foot from the squat pad so it can be freely stretched by your hands. Allow your body to go all the way down to perform a stretch and make sure that your knee is at a 90-angle bend. Place both hands wrapped on the leg on the bottom by the hamstring. Gently pull up until you feel a stretch and hold it for at least 5 seconds before releasing. Do the same for the other side at equal intensity.
Sit on the bench pad so that the cables are behind you. With your feet and butt on the bench pad, grab both handles in a supinated position and keep a neutral back. Bring the handles only if they are stretching the pectoral muscles. While maintaining your back position, allow your body to slowly stretch your chest while your arms are fixed in their position. Do not attempt to squeeze your chest; instead, bring your chest forward and let your own bodyweight stretch your chest.
Elevate the squat pad and lay on your back to the bench pad. Place one foot on the squat stand and then place the other foot on top of the thigh of the resting leg. Bring the other leg up while keeping up straight using your hands. Gently pull up until you feel a stretch and hold it for at least 5 seconds before releasing. Do the same for the other side at equal intensity.
Elevate the squat pad and lay on your back to the bench pad. Place both feet on the squat stand and then one hand on the squat stand across from the other leg (right hand to the left side/ left hand to the right side). Place the other hand on your hip and then gently pull down until you feel a stretch and hold it for at least 5 seconds before releasing. Do the same for the other side at equal intensity.
Elevate the squat pad and lay on your back to the bench pad. Place both feet on the squat stand and both hands on the squat stand grabbing it from the edge. Gently pull down until you feel a stretch and hold it for at least 5 seconds before releasing. Do the same for the other side at equal intensity.
Lay on the bench pad to your right side and place the right leg on the squat stand. Keep a straight back and posture during this stretch. With the right hand behind your hand, grab the left leg with your left leg from behind by the front foot and stretch it until your heels reach your glutes. Gently pull and stretch the quadriceps to the desired intensity. Do the same stretch for the other side with the same level of intensity.
Sit on the bench pad so that you are facing the cables. Keep your feet on the edge of the bench pad and your butt on the other edge. Maintain straight locked knees and grab the handles from the cables. Keep your arm straight and let your body weight stretch you down.
Sit on the bench pad so that you are facing the squat stand. Keep your feet planted on the floor and raise both hands up overhead. Put one hand on your back and the other hand on the other elbow. Stretch your triceps by pulling the elbow down with the other arm. Hold the stretch down for 5 seconds for every turn and do the other side for the same intensity and duration.
Place one knee on the bench pad when facing the squat stand and stabilize yourself by grabbing the squat stand at the top. Place one foot forward on the ground near the squat stand. Let the rear leg stretch by moving forward and dropping your bodyweight slightly. Hold the stretch on each side for at least 5 seconds on every turn.
Attach the dip bars on the rails of the GR8Flex about one foot away from the tables. Grab both handles of the dip bar while laying down flat on your stomach on the bench pad. With your feet elevated, pull yourself up using the dip handles. Start the movement by bringing the elbows in and pulling up until your head had passed through the dip handles. Allow for a brief pause at the beginning and end of every repetition to prevent swinging or the use of momentum.
Place the ab accessory on the rail of the GR8 about 10 inches away from the cables. Lay on the bench pad with your knee on the pad and your feet slightly elevated. Grab the ab attachment and rest your forearms on the foam pad. Start the movement by pulling your lower body into the handles by crunching. Pull the knees into the handles and squeeze your ab muscles. Allow for a brief pause at the beginning and end of every repetition to prevent swinging or the use of momentum.
Set up with your feet on the higher end of the bench pad. While sitting down on the bench pad, grab both handles and place your arm on your knee. With your hands in a supinated position curl by bringing the handles and bring them to your head level. Start with your arms fully stretched out and your back in a neutral position. Pause at the top and bottom of every rep. Lower yourself slowly and keep your back straight and completely neutral.
Set up with your feet on the higher end of the bench pad. While sitting down on the bench pad, grab both handles and place your elbows on your thigh 3 inches away from your knees. With your hands in a supinated position curl by bringing the handles and bring them to your head level. Start with your arms fully stretched out and your back in a neutral position. Pause at the top and bottom of every rep. Lower yourself slowly and keep your back straight and completely neutral.
Attach the handle on one side and sit on the bench pad on that side. Let your feet be planted on the ground while you perform the movement. Grab the handle one hand at a time. Keep your arms straight at the beginning of the movement. Keep your upper locked in one place and then bring the handle to your shoulder or as far as you can curl. Lower yourself slowly before you go for another repetition. Do the same movement pattern for the other side and ensure that you attach the handle.
Lay on the bench pad with your feet and your head on the edge of the seat. With your head closer to the squat stand, grab both handles from the cable area and then curl yourself up. Start by ensuring that your back is straight and your head is in a neutral position. Bring the handles to your shoulders and maintain the position in your upper arm. Slowly lower your body weight down or until you feel a stretch before going for another repetition.
Sit on the bench pad so that the cables are behind you. With your feet and butt on the bench pad, grab both handles in a supinated position and keep a neutral back position. Bring the handles to your shoulders and keep your upper arm by your sides at all times. Keep your arms relatively close to your upper body and use your biceps to curl the weight up. Finish when the handles are close to your shoulders and lower yourself slowly to the starting position. Do not use momentum or swinging to keep the tension in the targeted muscles.
Set up with your feet on the higher end of the bench pad. While sitting down on the bench pad, grab both handles and keep your elbows close to your thighs, and do not rest your arm on your thighs. With your hands in a supinated position curl by bringing the handles and bring them to your head level. Start with your arms fully stretched out and your back in a neutral position. Pause at the top and bottom of every rep. Lower yourself slowly and keep your back straight and completely neutral.
Set up on the bench pad while sitting on your knees and shins down on the pad while facing the bench pad. Start with your arms fully stretched out and your back in a neutral position. Place your elbow on the edge of the bench pad and grab the curl bar. Start by having your arms stretched and finish the movement when the curl bar is near your forehead. Lower yourself slowly, and keep your hips and back straight and completely neutral. Avoid leaning forward or backward during the movement.
Sit on the bench pad and secure the bar attachment on the GR8Flex. With an erect posture and a straight back, grab the EZ bar attachment with a supinated hand position. Keep your shoulders retracted and back neutral throughout the curl. Start with your arms out in front of you and finish by bringing the bar to your shoulder level. Allow your feet to levitate so that you are able to perform the movement freely. Avoid leaning forward or backward during the movement by allowing for a brief pause at the beginning and end of every repetition.
Lay flat on the GR8 bench pad with your feet on the squat stand and a slight bench on your knees. Lock your hands together behind your back near your lower back and start by having a straight neutral back position. Extend up while keeping your hips locked and raise your chest off the pad. Pause for a brief second and slowly get back to the starting position before you go for another repetition.
Sit on the bench pad and secure the handles attachment on the GR8Flex. With an erect posture and a straight back, grab the handles with a neutral hand position. Keep your shoulders retracted and back neutral throughout the curl. Start with your arms out in front of you. With one arm, bring the elbow in and down while keeping it tucked, and perform a back fly with the other arm by keeping it straight and raising it at a 90-degree angle. This should be done at the same time in one smooth motion. Allow your feet to levitate so that you are able to perform the movement freely. Avoid leaning forward or backward during the movement by allowing for a brief pause at the beginning and end of every repetition.
Grab both handles while laying down flat on your stomach on the bench pad. With your feet elevated, start by having your arms overhead. Keep your arms straight and bring both hands to your hip level. Do this movement laterally without bending your elbow. Do not let your arms go past the bench pad or over your body. Allow for a brief pause at the beginning and end of every repetition to prevent swinging or the use of momentum.
Sit on the bench pad facing the cables. Grab the handles and raise them up and out to the side. Your elbows should be at a 45-degree angle from your shoulder level. Allow your feet to levitate so you can raise the handles out and up with straight arms. Keep your arms straight and raise the handles as far as you can or until your arms are almost overhead. Keep your chest up throughout the movement and your arms locked. Don’t swing the movement and always perform a brief pause at the top of the movement.